

Lawson Israel
Project54 Entrepreneurs

Invoice Number G2INV-1026WB722
Invoice Date May 14, 2022
Due Date June 17, 2022
Total Due ₦1,120,000.00
Hrs/Qty Service Rate/PriceSub Total
1 Web Development

Project summary: Development of a web version, Android app, and iOS app.
Valued at the cost of N1.6m (One Million, Six Hundred Thousand
Naira) only.
The development timeline is expected to last for a maximum of 10 weeks only and the project will commence immediately after the client makes the first installment payment.
Project details is contained in the contract award document in this email thread


Amount Payment Remarks Status
30% First Installment ₦480,000.00 Paid to our Access bank account on 16/05/2022 Success
30% Second Installment ₦480,000.00 Unpaid Pending
40% Final Installment ₦640,000.00 Unpaid Pending


Sub Total ₦1,600,000.00
VAT ₦0.00
Paid -₦480,000.00
Total Due ₦1,120,000.00

You can pay to any of our bank accounts below:

  • Account name: G2 Fast Net Limited
  • Access Bank: 0689 6819 67
  • First Bank: 2024 8503 11